Freitag, 21. August 2009

Arriving in Thunder Bay

Hey there,

I finally arrived in Thunder Bay! The first impression of the city was a bit disappointing but I like it more every day. I think the reason of the impression is that the city has not a real city centre because it is actually two cities that were joyned together in he 70s.
So the middle of these two cities is a big mall and not a nice centre. But TB definitely has nice streets and some nice shops. I just think it needs time to discover it because everything is so large and huge here (yeah I know, that's Canada...never underestimate it)

I am staying at the Sleeping Giant Guesthouse at the moment and I really like it. Fortunately, a german girl joyned my room and we discovered the city by bikes the first day. We went to the Marina and to University.

It is a huge campus with quite a lot of buildings and I spoke to my coordinators there. Everything seems to be alright and I got my student IDcard as well.

After the biking we went to the free sailing at the harbour and were picked up by a very nice crew. So I went sailing the first time in my life and it was just great. We even did a race with 15 other boats which was really fun. Hanna and me were of course very important people because the boat needed our weight at the side. After the sailing we had snacks and beer on the boat and drinks in the bar afterwards.

Today we went to the Fort William Historical Park and dived into history of Thunder Bay. The story takes place in the earliest 19th century and different actors play their role in the park like doctors, traders or farmers. We went canoeing to bring our fur to Montréal and saw a dead body in the hospital.

Tomorrow, we will go to the farmers' market and hopefully get some german bread there.

I am still looking for a room and hope I'll find something nice soon.

Let me know about your trips, days or weekends! Greetings from chilly Thunder Bay!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Cherie!
    wat du nich alles erlebt!
    gestern saß ich noch mit claudi, andrea und annika am hafen von kalmar und meinte: ich muss unbedingt nen segelnden schweden kennenlernen! Will auch auf's wasser!

    aber heute geht's erstmal zur astrid lindgren welt...auch schön:)

    Drück dich!

  2. das wollt ich dir auch grad schreiben...verdämmt, da kam mir die carmen doch zuvor!

    viel glück bei der wohnungssuche!

    kram (drück dich)

  3. Ich hab meine Uni noch nicht gefunden, aber ich hoffe das kommt in den nächsten tagen! :) immerhin gibts jetzt schonmal internet - ohne ist man doch ziemlich planlos!

  4. Hi Tanja, was ist mit eurem "fur" und warum in Gottes Namen habt ihr einen toten body gesehen?
    Alles sehr merkwürdig...
    Ansonsten wieder schön von dir zu lesen...
    Viel Glück bei der Wohnungssuche!

  5. schatzel, endlich in Thunder Bay! Klingt ja schon wieder obergut, was du da berichtest!!!
    Das mit den Malls ist auch son Phaenomen hier, die scheinen alle Mall-geil zu sein! N bisschen schade, weils einfach ne voellig andere Welt da drinnen ist!
    Das mit dem dead body hat mich dann doch ein wenig geschockt, was war denn da los?

    Also weiterhin viel spass beim segeln und leben in Thunder Bay!
    Beste gruesse aus SA
    die ina

  6. Bella, ich habe Internet!! Du erlebst aber nette Sachen! Hier in Nyköbing passiert eigentlich nicht viel, aber am Donnerstag geht endlich die Uni los! Ich fahre jetzt an den Strand, leider nicht Moen, aber auch schön;-)
    Ach ja, das mit deiner Bleibe hört sich ganz gut an!
    Viele Grüße
